McKenzie Richardson - COVID Testimony
As a student at the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO), I chose to get vaccinated against
COVID-19. Since getting vaccinated, I’ve been asked how I felt after and about my reasons for making that decision. I chose to get the vaccine to protect myself, my friends and family, including my grandmother who gets sick easily; I recognize her ability to recover from the virus could be different from mine. I also wanted to return to seeing others without worry about practicing social distancing. During the pandemic, I had missed hugs, and just being able to be nearer to them than the recommended six feet apart.
A safe return to in-person classes also motivated me to get vaccinated. Participating in group
work and seeing my peers face-to-face without having to wear a mask is something I look
forward to this fall. I would encourage my classmates to do the same so we can have a more
normal semester without learning interruptions.
The only side effects I experienced were mild. My arm was sore for a few days but I soon
returned to feeling fine, and I am now glad to be fully vaccinated.
Whether you are planning upcoming travel or just returning to pre-pandemic life with your
friends, family, classmates or co-workers, I recommend getting vaccinated to protect yourself
and others.