The Oklahoma State Department of Health is proposing amendments to the Immunization Rules and we need your help!
The proposed changes will strengthen the process for obtaining exemptions for children enrolled in Oklahoma schools or child care centers to include:
The delivery of educational materials from a local health department prior to completion of the exemption form;
Redirect requestors from a school to a local health department to obtain the exemption form; and
Require an exemption form prior to kindergarten and prior to middle school (7th grade).
For the complete rule changes, click here.
The comment period for these proposed rule changes closes March 7, 2020.
We encourage you to submit comment in support of these changes either online, by mail or in person during this time.
It is OUR time to take a stand for public health! Thank you for your help.
Beginning February 3rd, submit a public comment using the online public comment system. There are a multiple rule changes up for comment. You will need to select 535: Immunization Regulations.
Template responses for individuals can be found here. Template responses for organizations can be found here.
These templates are merely a guide, and we encourage you to add your personal story or personal touch.
Please be polite but clear in your support of these rule changes.
Once you have submitted your comment, please let us know by clicking on the button below.
Mail to:
OSDH Agency Rule Liaison
Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 NE 10th St.,
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Template responses for individuals can be found here. Template responses for organizations can be found here.
These templates are merely a guide, and we encourage you to add your personal story or personal touch.
Please be polite but clear in your support of these rule changes.
Once you have submitted your comment, please let us know by clicking on the button below.
We'd love for you to join us in person on Thursday, March 5, 2020 form 1 to 4 p.m. Please email Westbrook@okhealthyfamily.org if you would like to attend.