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Immunizations and vaccinations are safe and effective. They prevent our children and families from contracting diseases that can cause permanent disabilities and even death. By making sure a community is fully immunized, we can make our state, cities and schools healthier.

  • Disease rates have dropped because of other reasons, not immunizations."
    Data documenting disease rates before and after the introduction of vaccines demonstrate they are highly effective in decreasing the incidence of diseases, despite improvements in living conditions.
  • Vaccines cause autism.
    No. Vaccines go through a rigorous trial and approval process, which ensures all vaccines are safe and effective.
  • Unimmunized children pose no threat to immunized ones.
    Immunization is a community responsibilty. A community that is fully immunized protects those who can’t be immunized, such as very young children, immunocompromised people and elderly people.
  • Natural infection is better and healthier than immunization.
    The benefits of immunity through immunizations outweigh the serious side effects of natural infection, which include blindness, paralysis, brain damage, or death.
  • Vaccines contain unsafe toxins.
    Vaccines go through a rigorous approval processes to ensure they are safe and effective. Trace ingredients in vaccines are included to kill harmful bacteria and preserve the effectiveness of the vaccine.
  • It’s better to space out vaccines.
    There is no scientific evidence that spacing out vaccines is safer. The recommended schedule is reviewed on a regular basis and designed to protect our children when they are most vulnerable.


Why immunize?

Immunizations can save your child’s life for diseases which there are often no medical treatments for; they protect others with weekend immune systems; and prevents diseases from spreading.


Why does my child need so many doses to protect against one disease?

Your child gets as many doses as needed to fully protect them from a disease. More than one dose may be needed to help them build immunity over time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends all children who can be immunized should follow the recommended schedule so they get the best protection possible.


Where can I get immunizations for my child?

You can contact your doctor to get your child up-to-date on their immunizations. Your local county health department also offers immunizations. Information on how to contact your county health department may be found here.


Do vaccines have side effects?

Vaccines go through rigorous testing and are proven to very safe. Side effects are usually mild and can include a sore arm or fever. There is a very small risk that a serious problem could occur after getting a vaccine. However, the potential risks from the diseases vaccines prevent are much greater than the potential risks associated with the vaccines themselves.

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